Venue Management

VenueS and venue booking agents

We are able to represent your venue as a 'Venue Booking Agent' in which we create and negotiate contracts, coordinate and produce (when applicable) all proposed events and productions held at the agreed upon venue. 

If the agent services are needed for an extended period of time (over a year), the terms can be changed to reflect an ongoing relationship for bookings during the term of the agreement. The contract is set up to be an exclusive partnership between the venue booking agent and the venue itself.

venue coordination

elleaevents will ensure the following:

• Contract terms are adhered to
• Client special requests are handled
• Keeping staff (sometimes includes catering/bar) on task
• Managing the venue to the expectations of the owner and acting as an advocate for the venue and it's staff
• Overseeing event closure (ie. making sure guests safely depart, load out is on time with vendors according to owners requests, etc.)
• Running tasks during the event